Payment Methods
What payment methods are accepted?
To make sure you are able to successfully order the items you need, we accept the following payment options. They may vary depending on the destination country:
- Credit card (Visacard, Mastercard, Maestro)
- PayPal (3% Transfer fee Applied)
- Bank Transfer (may delay processing your order)
- Klarna "Pay later, or 3 months payment.
We advise people from outside the Spain to use either credit card or PayPal to ensure the fastest handling. Other options are still available but may delay your shipment by 1 or 2 business days.
Something went wrong during my payment process.
Please check the status of your order in your account (if not checked out as guest). In case something went wrong and the status is shown as “has not been paid yet” you can proceed with the payment there. You don’t need to create an additional order. Once payment succeeded, we will start processing your order.
I entered my billing information incorrectly and the transaction was declined when I tried to check-out. Two charges appeared on my account. What happened and what do I do?
For card holder protection, when a credit card attempt is made but declined (perhaps due to a typo resulting in a wrong billing address entered), the following happens:
The credit card processor will decline the transaction and funds may be on hold for 2-5 business days.
Before re-entering your credit card information for a second attempt, please contact your credit card issuer to make sure all card information (including expiration date and billing address) is correct.
To request an immediate release of the held funds, please contact your credit card issuer for further assistance.